In Cinemas

A Chiara – ★★★½

Beautiful little Italian-language arthouse drama “A Chiara” written and directed by Jonas Carpignano has been released in cinemas this week in Germany. Set in a Calabrian town it follows teenage girl Chiara looking for her father, whose disappearance in the night of her sister’s 18th birthday seems to be related to the local mafia. Shot

A Chiara – ★★★½ Read More »

Herr Bachmann und seine Klasse – ★★★★½

Diese Woche kommt der exzellente Dokumentarfilm Herr Bachmann und seine Klasse von Maria Speth in die Kinos. Der Film handelt von einer sechsten Schulklasse in Mittelhessen und ihrem Lehrer Herr Bachmann, der kurz vor der Rente steht und mit einer ganz besonderen Art unterrichtet. Er nimmt jedes einzelne Kind wahr, fördert gezielt die Kreativität z.B.

Herr Bachmann und seine Klasse – ★★★★½ Read More »

Gunda – ★★★

The American-Norwegian documentary film Gunda, directed, co-written and co-edited by Russian director Viktor Kossakovsky is now showing in cinemas. The nonverbal film observes the life of pigs, chicken and cows on rural farms in an aesthetic style. It gained broader attention when Joaquin Phoenix stepped in as executive producer. It is interesting to get so

Gunda – ★★★ Read More »