Soul – ★★★★½

Soul is a computer animated fantasy comedy-drama by Disney’s very talented Pixar Studios which was released last Christmas and is available for streaming on Disney+. The film follows a middle school music teacher named Joe Gardner (Jamie Foxx), who seeks to reunite his soul and his body after they are accidentally separated, just before his big break as a jazz musician. In a lovely and creative way the film touches on questions about the meaning of life, finding passion and the human experience.

The animation work is incredible and the lighting and modelling of all kinds of objects and materials is a pleasure for the eyes and sits something between a comic and a realistic look. The jazz music elements are fantastic and the original score by Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross also fits the mood perfectly.

All in all it’s a rewarding and moving experience for all ages and a worthy successor to all the other great Pixar films that preceded it. Enjoy Soul and enjoy your life.